With its Association Agreement with the E.U. effectively
suspended due to concerns about the “stark deterioration of democracy and the
rule of law” after the imprisonments of Yulia Tymoshenko in 2011 and Yurly
Lutsenko in 2012, Ukraine was vacillating between creating a free-trade zone
with the E.U. or a customs union with Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Given the
European Neighborhood Policy of the E.U. applicable to independent states
bordering the E.U., a free-trade zone with the E.U. could be the first step on
the road to further economic and even political integration, including perhaps
statehood. However, that would mean further democratic reforms that would
certainly not be required to join a customs union that includes Belarus. As a
precondition to an informed decision, distinguishing between statehood in the
E.U. and joining a customs union is vital to the Ukraine. Ideologically-driven
jargon can create confusion regarding the qualitative difference.
The full essay is in Essays on the E.U. Political Economy, available at Amazon.